Tag Archives: publication

New Year – Need some new brain cells

Yep. It’s been a while since I posted. How can I tell? Because I couldn’t remember my password for the life of me. Woops.

I still have more covers to share with you, but thanks to some serious schedule shifting for releases…I’m under not one, not two…but FOUR deadlines. I’m living in the chair and feeling like I can’t make headway fast enough. OOF.

July took a renegade course as it was audit month at the daily deal and I lost an assessor mid-way. The buck stops here, so I ended up making a couple extra trips downstate to compensate for the shortage. Add 2 AMAZING signing events and I’m full up, but still running on E.

But, as we have learned over the past years…this too shall pass and my crazy ass will be wherever with bells on and books to share. It’s just how I go.

I’m restocking titles for Show Me Your Books Kansas City, Penned Con and maybe for Booking in Baton Rouge too…that one might be an additional order later. I am perilously low on several titles, and that just won’t do. So, the man in Brown will be visiting me for the foreseeable weeks as things come in and hopefully, I get my deal together before I hit the next hotel.

Where will I see you?

I’ll be in to share more covers and news soon. For now, read something great and tell your friends!

New Year – New Covers

Sorry for missing last week. I just up and lost track of the days. I’m trying to prep for back to back signings halfway across the country from each other as well as keep up with the word-work. It’s not lost on me that I’ve become a bit reclusive.

BUT..as promised I do have some new covers to share. One should be familiar, just a wee touch up. The other two are new. Rogue got a facelift. I think it’s a good one and it helps draw the series together. Black Guard is new, as is Assassins. I am uber pleased with them!

Rogue and Black Guard, which have been doing time in a couple different sets, will release solo, together, on August 1st. Assassins will release later this year to complete the Trilogy. (The back for Assassins isn’t done yet, so I’m only sharing the front for now.)

Ready to see them??

Til next time, read something great.
Yes, I have more covers to share…can you believe it?

New Year…whoops.

I keep thinking I have more time than I do. It’s nearly the end of June and I’m completely flummoxed by that at the moment. This post will be short-ish…but oh so sweet!

I have two things to share…ONE is that for this week, Gravedigger…my thriller/suspense/mystery title that came out late last year is $0.99 on all outlets. That’s right! You read that here…the e-book version….however you like to read ebooks…is on sale! Grab your copy before the price goes back to normal!

I LOVE…ABSOLUTELY LOVE almost every one of my covers, but this one is so special. My graphic artist actually LAID IN A GRAVE to get this shot and let her hubs stand over her with the shovel. That’s trust. And, that’s immense craft in my opinion. (Turn the cover sideways for the full effect.) I cannot ever say enough about this one, or the designer Suzanna from Funky Book Design.

Thing number TWO this week is another cover reveal. September 7 – 9 I’ll be attending Show Me Your Books Kansas City. This new event is a charity fundraiser for The Dream Factory. If you know me even a little, you know why I signed on. BUT…adding to the good juju is that opening night there is a small group of authors who have all agreed to release a new title, and the proceeds from that night go straight to the charity…no middle nuthin.
GUESS WHO is in that group. Seriously. Guess.

Yeappers…it’s me. I’m excited to sneak peek the cover here. The tale is the first of a new series surrounding Heartland Emergency Air Regional Transport. It will be stories surrounding the team of professionals who staff the life flights where seconds matter and having heart is sometimes harder than getting a medical license. I can’t wait to introduce you to the crazy cast of characters who have been keeping me awake.

The HEART Flights lift off September 7th.

Check back with me next week. Maybe, just maybe I’ll have an update on what’s what…but I’ll definitely have at least one more cover reveal. (I’ve got 4 more for you…so, it could be more than one.)

Read something awesome.

New Year – Monday feels the same

Monday…just the word is menacing and foreboding, eh? This Monday is month end, quarter end, surgery for my father, wrap the to-do list, and pack for another signing day…which may spill into Tuesday at this rate.

I cannot possibly tell you about the last two weeks…but they’ve been manic, to say the least. I was asked last year about doing a Kindle World. No way that was going to fit into the agenda, so I begged off to wait for 2018. Guess what? 2018 arrived while I wasn’t looking and WHAM…here we are. I was supposed to do the KW in the summer and fall, but some other projects shifted and I thought, “Why not?”
Yeah…I’m just that crazy.

SO, I spent the 30+ total hours of road time to the coast and back working on the verbal manuscript…and a couple of other books via plotting and outlining techniques. Some schedule shifting is probably imminent…but now, so is a Kindle World release for Paranormal Dating Agency. Might I introduce you to Baiting a Berserker…joining the lineup for the April 10th PDA KW release group? 🙂

Addian Hevir doesn’t want a mate, he needs one…to save his clan, and himself before the beast within consumes what’s left of his humanity. As a berserker, it’s only a matter of time before one, or both happen. Time is perilously short.

Fynn Barrow has had more than her share of Mr. Wrongs. A strong, independent Mer-woman, she’s not going to be content with just any man. She needs to be wanted by one who can meet her challenges in return. She’s not interested in playing the damsel in distress, or the dutiful housewife, to anyone.

Gerri confidently pairs them, but it only takes one meeting for them both to have doubts. Can two dominant personalities find balance to come together before others interfere and send one to their death, and the other back to square one? Or, will it take the imminent threat to drive them where they need to be?

There you have it, and it’s the test…because I’m still tapped for summer and fall KW releases, which honestly is a weird idea to me. I’m used to writing around the literary world wherever the muse goes…this sticking in one place will take some adjusting. Let me know how I do.

NYN….wait, which way is up?

It’s March…how is it MARCH already?
It feels like we just started this year and we’re on the cusp of wrapping the first quarter already? WAIT…I’m not ready.

I’ve been completely slammed with projects…writer ones, and professional other ones that I’ll tell you about later. But, added to that was 3.5 weeks of FLU. No, I didn’t have the sniffling, sneezing, achy flu…I got the monster coughing up my lungs, can’t see from my eyes watering whenever they were open, how many times can one person be hit by the same truck, flu. Goddess I wished for a coma.

Believe it or not, all that aside, I am one deadline away from wrapping my Q1 on schedule and heading off to my personal writing retreat along the coast. I can scarcely believe how close I am. That said…this last deadline is killing me. I’ve written so many versions of this story that I’m seriously considering putting out my own anthology with all the incarnations. Mind you…I hate every one of them which I why I’ve been rewriting like a madman. So, maybe not.

On that thought…I need to kick my own butt back into the chair and whap this out…so I’ll leave you with deets on the THREE sets I have coming out in the next 60 days or so. ALL THREE are available to preorder RIGHT NOW for $0.99

You read that right – 99 pennines!!

#1 – coming March 22nd to Kindle is Magic Rising.

For those who caught Rogue last year, the counterpoint story is Black Guard. ((Rogue & Black Guard are books 1 & 2 in The Una-Mor Trilogy btw))

Black Guard is Ciannait’s story, and I’m tickled to give him voice…he’s everything I thought he was, and a little bit more.

Magic and mayhem arise, and spell-binding tales of adventure await. 

 Join us as we explore dragons, shifters, witches, angels, and more in Magic Rising, a limited edition paranormal and fantasy romance collection from today’s hottest New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors. Get your copy HERE.

#2 comes out May 1st to all outlets. (Blessed Beltane) Dark Rising

From me it is a special re-release of Rogue for those who missed it. Thankfully, books 1 & 2 in the Trilogy can be read in whatever order you please, so if you missed it last year, I’m putting it out again in this limited edition set.

The final book of the Trilogy, Assassins, will be out in the fall and you’ll have the whole story of what happened after…if you grab & read these two here in the spring. 🙂

New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors present Dark Rising, a paranormal and fantasy romance boxed set with steam, suspense, and thrilling magic. 

 Explore worlds of darkness, danger, and magic in seventeen exclusive fantasy and science fiction novels, available for a limited time. There are tough choices to be made and dastardly villains to outwit in this breath-taking collection that will have you at the edge of your seat.

Sexy alphas, strong female protagonists, and devious villains team up with dragons, mermaids, witches, spirits, vampires, angels, and more in this limited-edition collection that contains a fantastic combination of epic fantasy, science fiction, romance, urban fantasy, sword and sorcery, and more!

This amazing deal won’t last forever, so grab your copy today!  Right HERE

#3 comes at you a week later on May 8th – Once Upon a Twisted Time.

It is a collection of flip-flopped fairy tales you don’t want to miss. Once Upon a Twisted Time is not the fairy tales you know…or expect. My story in the set is called Twelve – a take on The 12 Dancing Princesses.
Are you ready to dive into a world of *brand new & exclusive* fairy tales where your beloved stories are retold with a twist?
In this collection, new thrills are woven into the fables we know, both classic and modern. Uncover unexpected changes to old treasures, and fall in love with new adventures to explore. From Cinderella to Rumpelstiltskin, The Mad Hatter to 12 Dancing Princesses, come find your unique favorites as these authors unleash diverse experiences of magical creatures in their wicked contemporary and paranormal romance worlds.

Inventory and Signings

It’s that time of year. What time is that you ask? It’s that time to take inventory of what I’ll need for book signings. Rack cards, magnets, postcards, free with purchase swag, book marks…do I want to purchase pens? The list can go on and on.

Initially, I was going to attend 3 signings this year. Unfortunately, I had to pull out of one due to a family obligation. I will be at Writers on the River in Peoria, IL and at Penned Con in St. Louis.

Writers on the River is on July 21. 2018. It is a charity even and proceeds go to two wonderful charities, Love Heals Thistle Farms and The Center for Prevention of Abuse.
Take a look at all the authors that will be attending this event…but keep in mind, life has a way of getting in the way, and this list is subject to change because of it. Click on the link to read up on the attending authors and find out a little more about the charities.


The other event I will attend, Penned Con is September 20-22. Proceeds from this event benefit, Action for Autism. Two Ballrooms of Authors waiting and wanting to talk books with you. Two days to purchase and get your books signed, and parties for authors and readers to mingle outside of the signing rooms. Click on the link to check out the list of authors and to learn a little more about Action for Autism.


As far as books I will have at these events goes…I will, of course, have Beyond the Veil of Whispered Dreams and The Veiled Path to Destiny available for purchase.










The fairytale short story I’m writing will still be a part of the e-book boxset that will be released in May.  That being said, the pre-order links (the Amazon link not available yet) for Once Upon a Twisted Time are up, if you’d like to pre-order your copy.

Not your childhood fairy tales!
A Limited Edition Adult Fairy Tale Collection
Reserve your #99cent copy of this collection now!
Once Upon a Twisted Time (Twisted Fairy Tales, #1)

Are you ready to dive into a world of *brand new & exclusive* fairy tales where your beloved stories are retold with a twist?
In this collection, new thrills are woven into the fables we know, both classic and modern. Uncover unexpected changes to old treasures, and fall in love with new adventures to explore.

From Cinderella to Rumpelstiltskin, The Mad Hatter to 12 Dancing Princesses, come find your unique favorites as these authors unleash diverse experiences of magical creatures in their wicked contemporary and paranormal romance worlds.

Nook: http://bit.ly/2zythZw
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2yqXKLs
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2gkvAXU

Until next week…Happy Reading!


Stirring the water

More ages ago than I could accurately quantify, a speaker made the comparative reference to personal growth as ‘all in’ or likened to a stagnant pond. I think about their comments occasionally, using them as a metric for myself, based loosely on the ‘smell factor’ for the scum on the surface.  There is a great body of water I know for the mental imagery as well…if the spring warms faster than the aerators are activated…there is a lovely green, mossy blanket that covers the surface of the water. While pretty – it is clearly out of place.

The same can be true for notions about writer things. I’d much rather have my life pond look like this…colorful, peaceful, but also…scum free.

(Image source unknown. No copyright infringement intended.)

Why do I mention any of this? Well…I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I have a professional career outside of writing and publishing, one that I don’t always enjoy, but never fail to be proud of. The idea with that work is that we are always innovating, always growing, reaching out to serve the customer in new and different ways. For that position, I am also on a short list of folks for a chance to move up and be a deciding factor for a team, a location, a region, and my company. It’s daunting and exciting at the same time. There is no moss growing. There’s no time.

That said, I’ve often been fond of the notion that those who forget history, the past that brought us to this present, are condemned to repeat it. Consequently, I spend a fair amount of time learning, and sharing the past practices as we reach for new, better, or innovative ones to replace them for my non-author me. Interestingly enough, I’ve gotten an opportunity to do it for the writer side of the equation recently…and I’m submerged in the idea of how much publishing has changed.

Moreover, I’m shocked to see how some things have returned to the fore, often with the user none the wiser for the point. The dialogue and discourse of the industry has changed expansively, and divisively. I’m not saying anything new, I realize that…but in learning about where we have come from, to seeing what we’ve become…I understand better the confusion so many are experiencing. The sheer number of charlatan experiences is mind-boggling. And, I don’t believe that it’s on a course to turn away soon.

There’s another adage I know about filling many roles, but mastering none – I think that’s where publishing is right now. With the floodgates open to allow publication of works that have been neither edited, or reviewed, put into the mix by writers who don’t understand or know the history, the market has flooded. And, continues to run over. Unfortunately pooling in places that don’t get stirred.

There are pros and cons to this. Writers who the ‘gatekeepers’ withheld once upon a time until they were better positioned to be published, either by writing education, or storytelling instruction, etc…are out and in the market…and what early bard didn’t have a few bumps in their stories? At the same time…they are in the market without the benefit of firm guidance on those factors, nor the expanded circle that used to be the path. In my head I see a fish on land…

What I mean to point out is this…once upon a time, the work went through so many hands before getting to public consumption, the village worked together. Now, we have individuals who are author, editor, art designer, marketer, publisher, and media rep. How many hats can we wear well? I think it is far fewer than most believe. And, I would argue that running for the sake of running doesn’t eliminate pond scum, it only churns it up to smell as each task takes a turn on the bottom.

I further believe, that just because we are seeing someone do something, doesn’t make it responsible or an accurate practice. I think most of us NEED others in our circle of influence. I think it reveals a large scale problem with publishing right now…One we need to get ahead of and back down before it destroys us all. There are valuable lessons to be learned from the past. Innovation should be moving the bar farther…not bringing it down. We collectively need to be doing better. I think that includes reaching out to others, and clasping the hands of those who reach for us.

That said…we also need to know and understand when in the timeline it is time to regroup and right our own ship before we align with an armada that isn’t where we’re trying to go. At the end, balance is everything. It’s what keeps us moving forward without letting the moss grow. For me, after the recent learning curve, I’m more convinced than ever that I need to take some time to stir the water. The surface may be clear, but I’m not sure what’s lurking underneath. I can’t accept that.

Last – don’t forget about the Crossword puzzle blog hop…there have been hiccups, but I’m loving seeing so many new sites and what they have to offer. Hope you will too. Until next time, read something great, and tell your friends.


Two Years and Counting

Wow! Two years and two days ago I sent my baby, Beyond the Veil of Whispered Dreams, out into the world to make its debut. Two years and two days ago I became a published author. It seems surreal at times, until I meet those readers and bloggers who have read my story and want more, until I read the reviews from people I may or may never meet.

Have you read Beyond the Veil of Whispered Dreams? Here is what some of the reviews had to say about it:

Exciting new story!
on December 8, 2015
Format: Paperback
3 3/4 Stars! Great start to a new series!
Very promising beginning to a new series! This is a story where the Fae Queen is missing but is found in the human realm. She is no longer in fae form but reincarnated as a human.

Beyond the veil
on September 1, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
An entertaining and sexy start of a new fantasy series. I enjoyed the tension and romance between the characters. I’m a huge fan of fan so I was excited to read a new story about them.

Fantastic Fantasy Debut
on February 1, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
Fantastic Fantasy Debut!! If I could just write that I would, but should elaborate, YES!If you are ready for a sensual journey through Jolanthe Aleksander riviting tale of love lost with a sudden twist of drama and betrayal this is the book for you!

Are you ready to give it a read? Just click on the link below the picture.

 Until next week…Happy Reading!


(don’t) Let it Show…

I’m not a big dog in this race…not even close. There are some that think I’m a big deal though, and well versed too…why? Because I learned one lesson in business young and have never forgotten it – Don’t flinch…and I don’t.  That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a full-blown tornado ripping though my soul at any given moment.

I did something a week or so ago, something I never thought I’d ever consider doing again…I pitched a literary agent to go back to traditional publishing. I LOVE being an Indie…don’t get me wrong, there’s just something about the idea of traditional backing, and marketing funds, and a few other perks that are tempting…though only recently. I’ll give it to you gospel…I was shaking in my shoes and nearly yerked my lunch before I got to the door. All in all, there are some great things on the horizon though because of that meeting…and I did manage to keep lunch in. So there’s that too. I just have to re-evaluate how I’m going to travel the road I’ve endeavored to take.

I’m fully confident of my abilities to write and be in the public eye at signings or conventions. I love the energy in a signing room…not gonna lie, it’s a hard habit to break and I have a fix every chance I get. That said, I also know my limitations. Public Relations and Marketing are easily my predominant Achilles heel, and the aspect of the business I struggle forward every inch to gain ground. I have to consider that I may need to go hybrid at the least to be able to have that front get the attention it deserves. It scares me more than a little, but I know I need help.


I did not make the decision to leave traditional publishing lightly. Any consideration to go back must be as carefully weighed. Whichever way this road goes, one thing will hold true…you won’t see my frenzy if I can help it. Composure will be me, if I have to stand on my own feet to accomplish it.

Actively baffled-

A long while back…or at least it seems like a long while back, it really wasn’t, I decided that in 2017 I was going to catch up. ’16 had damn near killed me, and my drive…I wanted a do-over.

The goal: Fulfill the docket from 16, and add 17 to the mix…meaning, EIGHT releases…EIGHT releases of MY OWN. Not counting an edit for someone else, or a publishing job for the house, that would all be extra…eight Savie V. releases.

Folks said I was crazy. Heck, I said I was crazy…I was right. I was, still am.

BUT…I did it. Gravedigger releases this coming Saturday. I confirmed it with the final upload around 12:30 this morning. I’ve been sussing over it for weeks now, not happy with little pieces here or there. I was seriously debating killing my ability to do a preorder for the next year…and push it back or cancel the preorder all together. I was that irritated with pieces. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it though.

I’m glad I didn’t. Gravedigger has shown me something that I needed to see, and while it was enlightening…it has also left me actively baffled about where I’m going next.

I’ve called myself a Contemporary Vagabond for a long while now, and I think that will hold true…but, I’m seeing a few things shift as I’ve been writing this year; my tendencies narrowing, my tastes…refining perhaps, and my choices…they don’t surprise me as much as they used to. I am enjoying writing certain genres and twists more than others, and I’m harder-pressed to turn down some things than others.

The biggest shock is that a piece I wrote to stand alone…I believe is going to launch a series. I fell in love with a character who, even though the story is done and in print, won’t stop talking to me. I’ll tell you more about them soon. right now…I’m here to tell you that release #7 of the year, Gravedigger comes out this Saturday. The preorder is live for $0.99 but that price will not last. The change date is on my calendar already….don’t wait.

Release #8 of mine for the year is Veil Break. It comes out in the Haunting Savannah set on October 10th. I am thrilled to share that story in a set with other awesome writers…great all 8 stories at once…just in time for Halloween!

‘Til next time…I’m taking a day to maybe sleep normal, then packing for Penned Con in St. Louis. The writing parts may be done, but the adventure always beckons.

see you soon.