Tag Archives: persistence

Reaching the End of the Tunnel

Ladies and Gentlemen…I wrote the lovely words, “The End” on the final chapter of the final book in the Veil Series. Veiled Heart Revealed is in the hands of my editor.

What does this mean? Well, I’ll tell ya. It means, barring any surprise hurdles, I will have print copies of Veiled Hearts Revealed AND Breathe Me to Life at Penned Con! Woot Woot!  I will need to discuss with my publisher when the release of ebooks will be. So, I’m not going to give you a date on that….yet.

The back cover for Breathe Me to Life is in the process of being created, and the blurb for Veiled Hearts Revealed has been sent in to be placed on the back of its cover. Things are falling into place…yay.

What am I doing while I wait for my edits you ask. I’m doing some research for my next short story. I’m researching shifter species that don’t get enough love and attention. What’s your favorite little known/talked about shifter?

Until next week…Happy Reading!


New Year – Need some new brain cells

Yep. It’s been a while since I posted. How can I tell? Because I couldn’t remember my password for the life of me. Woops.

I still have more covers to share with you, but thanks to some serious schedule shifting for releases…I’m under not one, not two…but FOUR deadlines. I’m living in the chair and feeling like I can’t make headway fast enough. OOF.

July took a renegade course as it was audit month at the daily deal and I lost an assessor mid-way. The buck stops here, so I ended up making a couple extra trips downstate to compensate for the shortage. Add 2 AMAZING signing events and I’m full up, but still running on E.

But, as we have learned over the past years…this too shall pass and my crazy ass will be wherever with bells on and books to share. It’s just how I go.

I’m restocking titles for Show Me Your Books Kansas City, Penned Con and maybe for Booking in Baton Rouge too…that one might be an additional order later. I am perilously low on several titles, and that just won’t do. So, the man in Brown will be visiting me for the foreseeable weeks as things come in and hopefully, I get my deal together before I hit the next hotel.

Where will I see you?

I’ll be in to share more covers and news soon. For now, read something great and tell your friends!

New Year…whoops.

I keep thinking I have more time than I do. It’s nearly the end of June and I’m completely flummoxed by that at the moment. This post will be short-ish…but oh so sweet!

I have two things to share…ONE is that for this week, Gravedigger…my thriller/suspense/mystery title that came out late last year is $0.99 on all outlets. That’s right! You read that here…the e-book version….however you like to read ebooks…is on sale! Grab your copy before the price goes back to normal!

I LOVE…ABSOLUTELY LOVE almost every one of my covers, but this one is so special. My graphic artist actually LAID IN A GRAVE to get this shot and let her hubs stand over her with the shovel. That’s trust. And, that’s immense craft in my opinion. (Turn the cover sideways for the full effect.) I cannot ever say enough about this one, or the designer Suzanna from Funky Book Design.

Thing number TWO this week is another cover reveal. September 7 – 9 I’ll be attending Show Me Your Books Kansas City. This new event is a charity fundraiser for The Dream Factory. If you know me even a little, you know why I signed on. BUT…adding to the good juju is that opening night there is a small group of authors who have all agreed to release a new title, and the proceeds from that night go straight to the charity…no middle nuthin.
GUESS WHO is in that group. Seriously. Guess.

Yeappers…it’s me. I’m excited to sneak peek the cover here. The tale is the first of a new series surrounding Heartland Emergency Air Regional Transport. It will be stories surrounding the team of professionals who staff the life flights where seconds matter and having heart is sometimes harder than getting a medical license. I can’t wait to introduce you to the crazy cast of characters who have been keeping me awake.

The HEART Flights lift off September 7th.

Check back with me next week. Maybe, just maybe I’ll have an update on what’s what…but I’ll definitely have at least one more cover reveal. (I’ve got 4 more for you…so, it could be more than one.)

Read something awesome.

New Year – same retreat week

It’s here!

Writing retreat week has finally arrived and I’m almost ready to go.
Yeah, you’re not buying that either, are you?

No…I’m not packed fully. Nor am I ready to roll out. There are a landmass ton of things left to do before I take the road south. Some from the list, others brand new, not even inked to be crossed off yet.

So…here’s the skinny, quick and dirty style.

First off…I’m totally jacked to share that my website has been rebuilt.
It’s beautiful and still in my style and colors. I love that this project came together. I never fully embraced what my website was, or could be. It’s so far off my collective forte of activities…but, I realize now, a vital piece of the New Year – New Everything that I’m embracing.
Check it out!!  HERE

Next up, because who doesn’t go away on release week to a place that they have no idea what their connectivity will look like. As mentioned before, Magic Rising releases this Thursday for everyone who reads kindle. You can find Ciannait’s side of the Rogue tale  HERE

Don’t worry if you didn’t get a chance to read Rogue. It’s coming back out in the sister release Dark Rising May 1st.

Last up, while I’m away I’ll be polishing the latest addition to the schedule…a Paranormal Dating Agency Kindle World release that’s coming out April 10th. Watch for the cover reveal and blurb about…

Baiting a Berserker

…when I get back from Mississippi. I’m quite excited about this. I was asked to participate last year but couldn’t make it work into the already jam-packed agenda…so, though I had signed on for later this year…this one is coming early. Addian Hevir will have his hands full once Gerri Wilder gets involved.
Stay tuned!

Before I get back though, I’ll be signing on the 24th at the IP Casino in Biloxi Mississippi with the Crazy Cajuns. It’s the last year for this event…so let’s make it massive. Hope you can join us.

The next post is coming from the beach…or maybe just a more leveled out me.
HEY! It could happen. See you then.  ~Sav

New Year – same hustle

Booking in Biloxi is just over a week away, and like last year, I’m humping the deadlines to get everything off my desk before I leave.

Last year, I had a lovely river house, seclusion, and quiet to spend my writing retreat time, though I wasn’t there much. This year, it’s a beachfront condo facing the gulf. Maybe I’ll get more words on the page this round…maybe.

I have a stop in NOLA on my way in to visit my favorite Mardi Gras supply house and restock for the signing season. I’m hoping to find some new goodies since my tried and true are out of stock, and according to the shop, not due in soon. I’ll be picking up some event-specific things too for a signing that won’t happen until July, but prepared is a good thing.

so, for now…it’s back to the word-wrap and gettur done mode. I have 1 week to make it all come together, and great Goddess willing…all the swag will arrive before I leave this time, instead of after I’ve gone. Timing…always timing.

Happy Reading this week…there are some great titles hitting the shelf in March. Grab a few and enjoy the change over from winter. See you next week.

NYN….wait, which way is up?

It’s March…how is it MARCH already?
It feels like we just started this year and we’re on the cusp of wrapping the first quarter already? WAIT…I’m not ready.

I’ve been completely slammed with projects…writer ones, and professional other ones that I’ll tell you about later. But, added to that was 3.5 weeks of FLU. No, I didn’t have the sniffling, sneezing, achy flu…I got the monster coughing up my lungs, can’t see from my eyes watering whenever they were open, how many times can one person be hit by the same truck, flu. Goddess I wished for a coma.

Believe it or not, all that aside, I am one deadline away from wrapping my Q1 on schedule and heading off to my personal writing retreat along the coast. I can scarcely believe how close I am. That said…this last deadline is killing me. I’ve written so many versions of this story that I’m seriously considering putting out my own anthology with all the incarnations. Mind you…I hate every one of them which I why I’ve been rewriting like a madman. So, maybe not.

On that thought…I need to kick my own butt back into the chair and whap this out…so I’ll leave you with deets on the THREE sets I have coming out in the next 60 days or so. ALL THREE are available to preorder RIGHT NOW for $0.99

You read that right – 99 pennines!!

#1 – coming March 22nd to Kindle is Magic Rising.

For those who caught Rogue last year, the counterpoint story is Black Guard. ((Rogue & Black Guard are books 1 & 2 in The Una-Mor Trilogy btw))

Black Guard is Ciannait’s story, and I’m tickled to give him voice…he’s everything I thought he was, and a little bit more.

Magic and mayhem arise, and spell-binding tales of adventure await. 

 Join us as we explore dragons, shifters, witches, angels, and more in Magic Rising, a limited edition paranormal and fantasy romance collection from today’s hottest New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors. Get your copy HERE.

#2 comes out May 1st to all outlets. (Blessed Beltane) Dark Rising

From me it is a special re-release of Rogue for those who missed it. Thankfully, books 1 & 2 in the Trilogy can be read in whatever order you please, so if you missed it last year, I’m putting it out again in this limited edition set.

The final book of the Trilogy, Assassins, will be out in the fall and you’ll have the whole story of what happened after…if you grab & read these two here in the spring. 🙂

New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors present Dark Rising, a paranormal and fantasy romance boxed set with steam, suspense, and thrilling magic. 

 Explore worlds of darkness, danger, and magic in seventeen exclusive fantasy and science fiction novels, available for a limited time. There are tough choices to be made and dastardly villains to outwit in this breath-taking collection that will have you at the edge of your seat.

Sexy alphas, strong female protagonists, and devious villains team up with dragons, mermaids, witches, spirits, vampires, angels, and more in this limited-edition collection that contains a fantastic combination of epic fantasy, science fiction, romance, urban fantasy, sword and sorcery, and more!

This amazing deal won’t last forever, so grab your copy today!  Right HERE

#3 comes at you a week later on May 8th – Once Upon a Twisted Time.

It is a collection of flip-flopped fairy tales you don’t want to miss. Once Upon a Twisted Time is not the fairy tales you know…or expect. My story in the set is called Twelve – a take on The 12 Dancing Princesses.
Are you ready to dive into a world of *brand new & exclusive* fairy tales where your beloved stories are retold with a twist?
In this collection, new thrills are woven into the fables we know, both classic and modern. Uncover unexpected changes to old treasures, and fall in love with new adventures to explore. From Cinderella to Rumpelstiltskin, The Mad Hatter to 12 Dancing Princesses, come find your unique favorites as these authors unleash diverse experiences of magical creatures in their wicked contemporary and paranormal romance worlds.

NY – kill me know

I just realized I missed posting yesterday. I spent the evening trying to wrap a WIP that’s coming due SOON. Because being left to finish my task is simply not part of the agenda around here, I spend the last of the evening fighting with the youngest about college. hooray.

I have covers to reveal yet, and things to share, but as I’m running late…here’s a little piece of the WIP. It’s unedited and I’m sorry ’bout that. Crossing my everythings that next week posting goes smoother.

love & light

From Black Guard
(the counterpoint story to Rogue)

I know it was fortunate that I was fighting alongside the king that moment. The Demspay war was well into its sixth or seventh century then.  Only Tonnemar could defend so many. He risked everything to become that day, exposing himself as a true Dragon before the entire host of opponents on the battlefield. Not only that, but in Dragon form, his mark was easily seen. He was not only a true Dragon, but he was the King. He might as well have painted a target on his back. But, even knowing the risks, he did not hesitate. As I and a handful of others watched on, he laid waste to scores of opponents, clearing a path for our escape. How many of us were saved from the killing blows that could easily have come by our compromised positions, I never stopped to count then. Today, I count one, me.


NYNE 4th and 48

I suppose I could have counted to make sure there were actually 52 Mondays in 2018. Since we began on a Monday, there could well be 53, but who’s counting?

I am.

This year has mountains of possibility, and an equal share of obstacles. I’m still working on the realignment, but I’m keeping up…so far. I know what I’m doing is good for me, and in the interest of preventing a repeat, but man is it overwhelming too. I know the gym, and the cursed treadmill, are for the good. I do. I also know that I’m full of plans before I go, and exhausted afterward, making my progress on the things I NEED to work on writer-wise exceedingly frustrating. It’s a lot like running in Jell-O…messy and lacking yardage.  (No, I’m not going to elaborate on experience to justify the comparison. Just take my word for it) 🙂

I will persevere though. I will. Quit has never really been in my vocabulary. I’m not willing to give it page-space now. Essentially, the sum of the parts right now is I’m pushing, while trying not to push myself beyond the threshold of what I should, and spending way more time than I’m used to on the tasks that up to now have been thoughtless to get through. Now, I plan more, and I was a planner before…each day, each activity, leaving room to allow myself to fall short of where I want to be. It’s aggravating to know that a month or two ago, I wouldn’t have thought twice, I’d have pushed through to the end, no matter the hours or insanity…which is how I got where I landed. I’m learning…and soon enough, I will again be where I can push to the end, without pushing beyond myself.

I will.

This isn’t NYNE whiner edition though…I’m not going to do that. This was my update on the path to success, and the last one of its kind, I hope. Barring a major curve…I am putting my head down and charging. The Rhino in me is restless.

As promised, it’s still January, which means you get to see another cover. This week is the re-mastered cover for The Custos Book 3 – Book of Mysteries. I’m in mad love with the changes. The original cover, while striking, felt too clean and polished for the set. Like it needed to have that same shadow feel to fit in with the others…and now, it does. See for yourself.




The images are still the same, but the twilight feel to the cemetery and Ramsby (Cover model Eric Jacob) on the cover waiting and watching for anything is more to the vision of it I had when that part of the story was written, and the overall series of light vs. dark and what lies between. I am so pleased with the revision and the effect.

In other news, Amazon finally acquiesced and price matched. Book of Time – The Custos book 1 is now permafree & on all channels, the big four and probably a few others you haven’t heard of. Book of Revelations, book 4 in the series, ((and possibly Book of Prophesy, book 5 & the last,)) will be out this year. If you haven’t started the journey, why not? Now is a great time as the first novella that introduces you to the world of White Diamond & The Custos…is FREE. Take it for a spin on your favorite E-reader. (Then of course, tell me what you think. It’s a bumpy introduction, but the two worlds that are colliding kind of are too.)

Next week I’ll be sharing another cover or two…from an upcoming set, or my solo work from a set…who knows what it will be – there are a lot to choose from, so stay tuned or check back for the next reveal on the 29th.

Have a great week. Read something amazing. And, as always, tell your friends.


In case you missed the others being shown in their updated statuses, here are the three Custos series books together. 🙂




New Year – New Everything continues

2018 is going to be full of changes for me, as previously mentioned. Some of it I’m planning and some things will happen as they happen. 🙂

One new thing is that my titles are going wide. It’s a HUGE learning curve for me and I have no real idea what I’m doing, but I’m going to learn as I go and hopefully, like with other things, be better for the adventure. With this, one thing that needed to happen was to get The Custos series covers adjusted so it is easier to know which one comes next. For the next couple weeks, I’ll reveal each of them in turn.

This week is Book of Time, which isn’t much different, just has the series logo identifier added…but, by Mysteries I’m excited to share the new wash over with you. I feel like the cover finally goes with the others better. I hope you’ll agree.

Once we get these shared, I’ll start sharing the new stuff. I’m doing my last 2 boxsets this spring and can’t wait to share them with you. One, coming in March is going to be a fun PNR set called Magic Rising. That set has a single cover that I hope you’ll enjoy.

After that is Once Upon a Twisted Time…a collection of re-imagined fairy tales that you know, with twists you might not see coming. My contribution is based on The Twelve Dancing Princesses and is called Twelve. I’ll reveal my individual cover soon, but here’s the overall for you to gaze upon.

Next on the crazy train of ’18 for me is a regrowth of my street team, The Zapatistas. This group is who gets to see new covers first, helps with promotion of my work and shares back with me sites, events, and other places where my work would be a good fit, but hasn’t been found yet. Do you have a few minutes each week to share my work and get the 411 early?

If you’re interested in joining my Street Team and getting the sneak peeks at what’s coming before everyone else…you can do so HERE. We’d love to add you to the group. My VPA Jennifer runs the group and keeps everything tracking, so there’s no inventing the wheel going on…just sharing and sharing.

More New Year – New Everything to come in the weeks ahead. Thanks for sticking around for the journey. Til next time, read something great & share with your friends!





Jiminy Cricket

“A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep…”

Sounds good, huh? It is too…until you get to this line,

“Whatever you wish for, you keep.”

and you realize that this does not apply to writers. I cannot tell you the sheer number of dreaming moments that quilted so beautifully together, weaving the story just so…that even with intentional waking to jot it down, have become completely lost to me.  I’ve resigned myself to the truth that Jiminy Cricket was not an author. So, I’ll just plan to wake up and get my cussing done with first…I’m certain I will’ve lost something through the sleeping part.

With authorship among the many hats that I wear, I find that lucid dreaming is either my staunch ally, or my dire nemesis. Usually the latter. 2017 was an incredible year, even as it was surreal and exhausting. I made a choice to take on a HUGE production schedule. ((I kept it by the way, much to even my surprise)) And…sadistic fool that I am, 2018 is looking to be equally manic, falling essentially even on the production side, but with additional appearances on the signing/convention side. Don’t worry, I’ve already ordered a new ‘hug-me’ jacket in lime green.

What’s a girl to do?

Well, it seems to me that I need to return to a practice that I’ve sort of scooted away from over the last couple years of crazy: guided meditation for goals. I have purpose when I meditate, usually relaxation, but I’ve not used it for my writing production for a long time now. I think that’s good and bad at the same time and it’s coming full circle. To get bigger, and busier, I need to slow down.

I’m thinking this is step one of my twelve step program to personal growth. Acknowledging the problem:

Since I can’t count on a cricket to get me to the goal…it’s probably up to me. *shrug* Somehow it always has been. 🙂

Til next time, read something awesome!
((OH…and don’t forget about the crossword puzzle blog hop in November…it’s going to be EPIC!!))