Tag Archives: cover artist

Reaching the End of the Tunnel

Ladies and Gentlemen…I wrote the lovely words, “The End” on the final chapter of the final book in the Veil Series. Veiled Heart Revealed is in the hands of my editor.

What does this mean? Well, I’ll tell ya. It means, barring any surprise hurdles, I will have print copies of Veiled Hearts Revealed AND Breathe Me to Life at Penned Con! Woot Woot!  I will need to discuss with my publisher when the release of ebooks will be. So, I’m not going to give you a date on that….yet.

The back cover for Breathe Me to Life is in the process of being created, and the blurb for Veiled Hearts Revealed has been sent in to be placed on the back of its cover. Things are falling into place…yay.

What am I doing while I wait for my edits you ask. I’m doing some research for my next short story. I’m researching shifter species that don’t get enough love and attention. What’s your favorite little known/talked about shifter?

Until next week…Happy Reading!


School. Has. Started! 

It’s that time of year where the dulcet tones of children and teens everywhere (at least in this part of the country) have turned into whining, and smiling, laughing faces turn into pouting ones. School is back in session!

To be fair, not all the whining is that of the kids. I admit I’ve been doing my fair share of whining about having to wake up earlier than I had to do as recently as last week. I’ve already had a morning of sleeping through alarms. It’s been an adjustment…coffee helps.

Anyway…here is the  update as to where I am in my writing.

Breathe Me to Life is off to the formatter. The back and spine for the cover is off to the cover magician.

Veiled Hearts Revealed is almost done being written. I have missed the deadline between my publisher and I. I will be talking with them about a release date soon-ish. The cover is done! I can’t wait to share it with all of you. I’ll do that when I have a definite release date. It’s so pretty.

In a little over 30 days, I will be heading to St. Louis for Penned Con! More on that later!

Until next week…Happy Reading!
