Tag Archives: kindred spirits

The Countdown Begins

One week….one week and I will be on my way to Penned Con in St. Louis. I haven’t begun to pack. aaaaack.

I’ve been looking forward to this event since last year. I cannot describe the incredible, positive energy I get from this signing, and truthfully…from most signings I go to. There is nothing like being surrounded by a community of people who, while they may not write the same genre as you,  have more books published, or who are a bigger name, look at you and smile in welcome as if to say…”welcome home.”

These kindred spirits are your tribe. They get the whole writing process. They understand the blood, sweat, and tears that go into putting pen to paper and the weaving of words together that will pull a reader into a story.

And the readers…the wonderful, supportive readers. They are the reason we release our babies into the world. At these events, there are readers you have met and have made a connection with in the past. There are also readers who have never heard of you, but are open to taking a chance on you by buying your book/s. Sometimes you don’t know how they feel about your book once the event is over until the following year when you show up with the next book. The simple fact that they want the next book is at times the only encouragement you need to keep going.

Anyway…I need to get packing, otherwise I’ll have books and swag but no clothes with me…and trust me…nobody wants that. lol

Until next week…Happy Reading!
